World Health Organisation
Now it’s our turn, we thought, after months of lockdowns. All the silence made us reconsider what was good and what felt wrong. We pondered how things should be done differently. Sure, we have collectively elected politicians to create the Big Different. But we also wanted to delve into the little different.
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What are you left with, now that everything is gradually falling back into place? We could look for answers in the bar at the corner, but thanks to the WHO we got answers from all over the world.
→ script
Sometimes, it’s the little things that matter most.
Think about it. The last few months, a creature so small we can’t even see it had us caught like birds in the cage of our own home.
Faced with our four walls, those of us whose health wasn’t affected were given pause. Some time to think—but what about? Did you fret over the wages you lost? The children driving you mad? The long-lasting repercussions?
Pick one habit—something small—that made a difference for you. Then tell a friend, who’ll tell a friend, who’ll tell another. Because diseases are not the only thing that can go viral.
→ in collaboration with Cast Animation